Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's friday night. I'm anywhere between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Mom and Dad have plans for dinner but don't know what the kids are going to eat. We get into the van and travel to Giant at the corner of Route 7 and Dranesville Road. I make a dash for the frozen food section and pick out my favorite Kid Cuisine. I am reminded a thousand times they are over priced and they don't even taste good, but I don't care because, it's friday and I want some of that over priced mac and cheese dang it.

My roommate Heather and I decided to treat ourselves to Kid Cuisines last night at Macey's and today for lunch that is JUST what we ate. So what if it isn't even close to the Rachael Ray we make on occasion? It is Kid Cuisine and it speaks for itself.


Destination Davis said...

My kids got them last Friday! Overpriced, YES, the greatest memory builder ever, ah YES!!!

Mark and Cristin said...

Looks delicious, Erin. My parents would never buy us tv dinners - we were deprived kids.

stacey said...

Cristin forgets they had that sweet treat drawer, though, of which I was extremely jealous.

Time has smoothed things over though, so I hold no grudges. :)