Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Upon leaving one of my classes the other day I heard someone say,

"Our Government sucks and it's no wonder our education system is as terrible as it is. We should just do what every other nation in this world does and those who are ACTUALLY intelligent should be allowed to go to college and everyone else can just go to trade school."

I found it highly unintelligent of this person to make this comment walking around on a college campus. Unless of course he or she is "ACTUALLY intelligent." Many of my communication classes this semester ask me to question authority and to question the ownership and rule of "The Greater Good." I've been trying to determine how I feel about all of these differing opinions and in an election year, I suppose it's better now than any other time to figure these things out for myself.

Yes, somethings about the United States Government are sloppy. There are those in office who make wrong decisions; because they are human. There are policies and traditions that could be done or handled in a better way.

My political opinions aside I do know one thing: I am extremely grateful for the country we live in. I am grateful to have the opportunity to receive an education. I am grateful that I can choose to do and be whatever I want and that the world really is at my fingertips (however cliche that may sound). I am not the most intelligent person in the world by any means. But just consider: how lucky are we all to live somewhere where we can be afforded the opportunity to become more intelligent everyday, and where we get to choose how we do so?


stacey said...
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stacey said...

Hope you had fun with Jamie this weekend. I missed being able to be there for the stake reunion at Brick Oven but I am glad you were able to go. We'll chat soon!!

That is a cute little picture you put with this post.

Destination Davis said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud to be an American!!!! No Doubt!!!!

Jeff said...

The United States has a far, far, far better higher education system than any other country in the world.

I have talked with several Korean, Chinese, and Indian people who grew up in a society where people are just sent on to trade school if the are not "smart". They hate the system (and they were obviously the smart ones).

It is an interesting suggestion, obviously made by someone who wants to optimize societal happiness as opposed to any individual value. I guess it all depends on what you are after.