Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dizzy Busy.

50 years from now if I think about a crazy time in my life, a time where I was so occupied with (in no particular order) school, work, church, friends, bills and just general planning, I think the first time I will remember being that crazy and intense will be the last few weeks that I've experienced. The semester is going extremely well. I love my classes, my internship, the opportunities I have and everything that is surrounding me; I am just too tired to even begin to think about anything else.

Along with that tiredness however is the knowledge that I am prioritizing properly. Right now for instance I am beyond being tired and I am on the verge of hibernation. I have been up since 4:30 AM but, I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the Boise Temple at that time.

Getting to the Temple before the sun was up and leaving before it was up was something I haven't ever experienced before. But even with my tiredness 13 hours later, it was well worth it. I am busy, life is hectic and crazy in every sense, but I am happier than I've been in a long time. It isn't much by way of posts but hopefully you'll excuse my long absence from blogging. I am keeping up with everyone's blogs via my iPod on breaks between classes and have enjoyed pictures and posts alike. I will sum up my life in a more detailed post in the weeks to come. Miss you all!

1 comment:

Becci and Josh said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL picture of the boise temple! I love that temple, to me it kinda looks like a puzzle from the road! Love you!