Thursday, April 3, 2008

What I Miss.

So, there are phases of our lives that come and go. People in our lives that come and go. And for whatever reason, lately I have been thinking about one of those things in particular. I played basketball from third grade through freshman year of high school and while I wasn't ever the best player by ANY means, I loved it and still do love it.
Over Christmas break I took home my basketball shoes and left them there because I haven't used them at all out here at school the last two years. I likewise took my basketball to my grandparent's house for storage for the summer last weekend. Ever since losing those two items, OF COURSE all I want to do is play basketball.
Every tuesday and thursday I go to aerobics class and a make (what I feel) is a mockery out of the basketball court; doing said aerobics. I see the students and faculty on the other side of the drop down divider and am entirely envious of what they are doing. They aren't doing synchronized dance moves to ridiculous music and making fools of themselves. They are doing just the opposite. They are playing a full court game of basketball, or they are simply shooting around. Watching them and hearing them, makes me a little sad but mostly I just miss it.

Finally, I was thinking about people who influenced me when I played basketball. And amazingly enough, while my mind did pass by some of my coaches, I mostly thought of one person who played with me a few times over the years, came to one of my games in middle school, but taught me something that I will never forget (which I will share later :) ) I remember when she came to my game in 8th grade, one of the girls on my team leaned over to me and said, "Erin, is that your sister?" I said no but, she reminded me of my own sisters, treated me as my sisters treat me (which is good by the way, especially for being a little bit younger :) ) and if I had a third older sister, I wouldn't mind if it were her...she was always fun and clearly is someone I have been grateful for over the years of my life. So, I doubt if she reads this but if you know who you are, thank you for everything!

Here is what she taught me amoung other things:
  • Grunt when you shoot the ball (I'm still thinking that is the most embarassing thing ever...haha)
  • Make eyes at the girl who is shooting fouls shots (Wait, this might be more embarassing :))
AND the thing I think about everytime I play:

  • When shooting from this side angle, with no oppertunity to use the backboard, aim at the opposite rim and more times than not, it will in fact go in.


stacey said...

Ooh ooh! I think I know who it is. She is Jamie's age, and married to "Brother Buff" I think. :) I'm sorry you miss basketball. You can play in other shoes, and maybe there is a ball somewhere you could borrow. Yay I can see you tomorrow night!!

PS If you want to eat when you get here, I made chicken soup tonight with lots of good vegetables and you can have some.

Anonymous said...

Hello???!!! Who is this mystery lady? And who is Brother Buff and why didn't I know about him around 11 years ago or so??? J/K I am HAPPILY MARRIED FOLKS!!! But seriously, who the HECK are you talking about????

stacey said...

Brother Buff was never in the ward unmarried. These two folks met as BYU coeds and then moved to VA after he finished his MAcc. You have heard of them, Jamie, but I won't say who because the mystery is half the fun. Also, Erin can tell you if you really want to know. And with your use of capital letters, you clearly want to know. Goodness!

HAHA Mom thought it was Maley. Wow. Nope.

stacey said...

Alright sis, it's been 2 weeks. If you go two months with no new posts, I will have to hire a coroner to help me declare your blog dead. :) haha. Have fun with Mom this weekend!

Also, these comments make me remember how Mom thought it was Maley and she asked you on the phone while we were at Fuddrucker's. HA. It's still funny.